Brian was selected as the 2024 recipient of the Ernst and Gertrude Ticho Memorial Award and Lecture.
The Ernst and Gertrude Ticho Memorial Award and Lecture recognizes and fosters the work of a promising early- to mid-career psychoanalyst who has made contributions to the field through teaching, writing, research, and applied and/or clinical work.
Brian is the first clinical social worker - or masters-level psychoanalyst - to receive this award. He will be presenting a paper entitled "Porosity and Preoccupation: Queer Thoughts on Psychoanalytic Care” at APsA's 2024 National Meeting in New York City in February 2024.
The award committee found his personal statement riveting because of his dedication to practicing psychoanalysis clinically and promoting and using psychoanalytic knowledge beyond the consulting room, specifically in his effective work with homeless populations.
His illustrative publications include:
- Ngo-Smith, B.R. (2018). This couch has bed bugs: On the psychoanalysis of homelessness and the homelessness of psychoanalysis. Clinical Social Work Journal, Vol 46(1), pp. 26-33.
- Smith, B.R. (2008). The examined life: Personal therapy and the social worker's ethical obligations to self. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. (UMI No. 1453791)
The Ticho Lecture was inaugurated in June 2006 with the generous support of the Ernst and Gertrude Ticho Charitable Foundation. View past Ticho Memorial Lecture Winners.
Brian Ngo-Smith, LCSW, BCD-P, FABP is a psychoanalyst and clinical social worker in Denver, CO. He received his MSW from the University of Iowa and has worked in the mental health field for 20 years, first in residential and hospital settings and later in community mental health before moving into private practice in 2018. Brian completed post-grad training at the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis in 2022, where he is now on faculty, and he also teaches at the Sue Fairbanks Academy through the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin. Brian is the current President of the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work (AAPCSW).
Join me in congratulating Brian!